Illinois Buck Hunter

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1st Buck Pic & Story

by Jason Brazda

September 15th I ended up telling my boss some lie about how I had to work my other job that night and had to leave early, went home for lunch, took a shower in the scent stuff than went back to work until 4:30(I honestly took this day and the following days off of my night job to go hunting ). So I get down to my stand at about 5:30, wasnt expecting to see to much, just wanted to get out there(been waiting many months to sit in my stand with my bow). I cautiously take my time getting to my stand not making to much noise. On the way into my stand I come across a couple of fresh deer rubs (always a good sign). I sat there for a couple of hours not seeing anything about to fall asleep when I hear something tearing up the corn on the other side of the trees. Im trying to figure out what was making this sound for about 15 minutes, when I look straight in front of me and see the legs of a deer coming down the hill. The top half of this deer was covered by trees.

Taking its sweet time coming any closer(about 50 yds out), the deer finally drops his head down and I see antlers. Almost imediatly I was thinking of all you guys on and how lucky I am to even see a buck on the first day. The buck then comes down the hill straight at me to about 35 yards, slightly quartering towards me then BANG. Some jerk off dove hunting over the hill lets out about 6-7 shots. The deer was very startled and motionless, just looking were the shots originated from. I thought &%#@, hes going to bolt....Nope he just stood there for 15 min. then went on about his buisness.

I thought he was going to go to the trail behind some trees than come out in perfect position to get a shot. Once again I was wrong, He headed for the heavy buck brush on my left. He turned to go in, stood broadside for a sec., I drew my MATHEWS LEGACY back without a sound. My draw went right into perfect firing position (thanks to many days and nights of practice). Put my 25 yrd pin right on the vitals and let it loose. He had no clue what happened till the arrow passed straight threw him (Scorpion XP Broadhead). He ran into the buck brush hitting almost every branch in there and crashed about 15 yards in. I got a double lung shot on him and he was expired in about 15 minutes (seemed longer though). Now its just about dark when I realize I forgot my Camera at home along with my flashlight(boy was I pissed).

I called my friend who was hunting right down the road to come over and help(he has been bow hunting for 3 years with no luck) and boy he was pissed. He kept saying "you lucky *%#$#*" over and over, and how this was BS. The only thing I could do was laugh at him.

Any ways I have not scored him yet due to work, my next day off is thursday night, I will have him scored then. In the meantime here are the pics that will be going on the scoreboad. Sorry my bow is not in the pic, I got caught up in the moment and forgot. But you can see where the broadhead hit em (if you dont believe me)


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