By Devin Polanski
It was second season of shotgun here in Illinois. I had just climbed into my stand. I was sitting on the edge of a field
that was planted in turnips. After about 30 minutes or so I heard some people yelling off to the west of where I was sitting.
I found that to be a little odd considering it was the middle of deer season and usually the only thing you would hear are
gun shots. But I kept my eyes focused in that direction. And sure enough out of nowhere came this bohemith buck and he was
headed right towards me. So I stood up to get a better view. But, the only thing I saw was this enormous rack with points
going every which way.When the buck got close enough, I started to whistle to try and get him to stop running. But he was
too spooked to stop. That's when I shot at him three times hitting him twice from about 40 yards away. I gave myself a little
time to try and calm down and for the buck to find a spot to lay down and die. But, soon it started to rain on me and give
the blood trail a chance to wash away. After about an hour or so I got down out of my stand and proceeded to follow the blood
I followed it for about 200 yards until I found a big mess of blood and then it just stopped. So I searched and searched
for that deer for hours, but no sign of it anywhere. Then I went back out the next morning and continued to look for him.
But, still no sign. So I was on my way back to the truck when I ran into the land owner. He told me that his neighbor had
shot a buck that morning and was wanting him to help him look for it. Well they found it! And he said that it looked like
it had been shot twice before. Sure enough his neighbor finished off MY 15 point non-typical buck. Talk about your bad luck!!!!
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